
Project "The Most Beautiful of My Possible Lives"

We are delighted to announce the signing of a partnership agreement between the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Technologies of the "King Michael I" Life Sciences University of Timișoara, the Timișoara Municipal Project Center, and the Tehnoarte Association. The aim of the partnership is to carry out a project within the group exhibition Chronic Desire – Chronic Thirst, signed by Renée Renard (Avantpost artist) during the period of February – April 2023 at the Corneliu Mikloși Museum in Timișoara, and Symbiosis – The Avantpost group exhibition during the period of September – October 2023 at the Young Naturalists' Resort in Timișoara. These two cultural projects are supported by the Timișoara Municipal Project Center and are related to the cultural program "Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture".

The project "The Most Beautiful of My Possible Lives" refers to a turning point in the artist's autobiography – the failed entrance exam at the Faculty of Agronomy, as well as the recurring theme of creation over the past 10 years, the roots (A Journey as Long as One Hundred Lives, faBRIQUE). The installation created for the space in the Corneliu Miklosi Museum represents the first stage of collaboration between the artist and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Technologies, where the element of research/education is introduced into an exhibition space. In the second stage of the project, which is to be implemented in the fall of 2023 within a new exhibition of the Avantpost group at the Young Naturalists' Resort, the element of artistic creation will be introduced into a didactic/experimental space, this initiative as a whole aims at re-evaluating the specific functionalities of a particular type of space.

The project juxtaposes an artist's workshop with a scientific research laboratory, initiating a dialogue between two seemingly different languages and narratives: that of artistic creativity, the desire to experiment without constraints, where the only barrier is imagination, and that of scientific research and creativity, based on real, concrete, measurable, and quantifiable data. In the artist's workshop, two different temporal and emotional portraits overlap: that of the young high school graduate who looks exuberantly towards a career in horticulture, with that of the mature artist who searches for (and finds) her roots and who analyzes, lucidly and nostalgically, the multiple variations of a what-if scenario... 

In the research laboratory, cultures of cells and tissues from seeds and meristems of horticultural species are initiated, and cytogenetic analyses concerning cell division, chromosomes, and chromosomal aberrations in plants are conducted.

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